Thursday, September 17, 2009

This goes out to my very very amazing brother paul:
U R AWESOME, AND I MISS YOU AND LOVE U SO MUCH, I BETTER LIVE OK - OR ITS TOTALLY ALL YOUR FAULT! (Just incase all of u other ppl don't know what im talking about I mean that I miss him so much that I might die because i miss him so much)
"YO Dudes and dudets, Its me again the one and only amazing anna. The AA. And let me fill you in on some super amazing updates that you don't want to miss... Duhh there about me - lol.
1. Ballet has started up again! Lets all celebrate, Im not the lost and loney anna anymore I am back to the amazing anna who loves to dance! Also nutcracker is already in full swing.
2. Last night me and my fam went to this thing at our church that is every wednesday for the very first time in my awesomeness life. And ya It was pretty fun! :D So my parents went to some thingy, and then MARKY went to his class and already has another "crush" This would be number 6.. I think, and then there was the middle school class that I went 2.
5. I'm on bsg book 12 and im starting 13 tomorrow! I love BSG, Who else does??? YA i know pretty much every1. Best series ever.
6. I'm in love with interioir design and here is a blog u all need to check out AWESOMENESS... I really do need to stop saying awesome, but come on u really can't blame me. (oh wait... u can can't u OK never mind)
7. I gotta go, luv u all and keep reading my blog!
Hey people!

WHAT WHAT WAS UP??? hehe im hyper. Today was pretty good, we went to violin in the morning came home, did school work until 3:45, and then the biddisons came (yay!) We had fun dressing up katie (hehe should I say I had fun... not sure if anyone else did... but to bad) OH and i left out a very important part of the day, KONNY got sick at school for the first time this year... awww ("SICK" aka I don't want to go to piano)

Oh and people, PLEASE NOTE that I have a very very stupid computer and it doesn't let me put up pictures - SO SAD!!! Maybe soon we will get a not-so-stupid computer and ill be able to post pictures, but for now, sorry but you just are gonna have to live without my beautiful pictures... :( lol WHAT EV PEOPLE WHAT EV!!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

1. she is an awesome sister
2. she wears super cute clothes
3. she takes me to get my nails done
4. she is going to run a half marathon
5. she gave me flower petal shoes

Right now im lying in bed with her and she told me to do this... lol
Luv u all!!! Happy Labor Day!!! :D

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hey people,
So for most of us today is the first day of school, including me! :D yay me. So were you people nervous this morning or were you excited..... or... maybe a little of both. hehehe. Sense Im home-schooled our schedule is a little different, We don't start until about nine, and we finish at 3:30.... about... sometimes it's different if we haven't finished. Ok so anyways Leave a post about how you felt the morning before the first day of school!
How many of you watch HGTV? Ok well I watch it alot, I usaully always watch that when I turn the tv on... haha well sometimes iCarly if that is on, but HGTV is better... sorry that was really random.
Ok so Mark, Mom, and me, decided that my cousin Konrad, wore his cargo pants, and aeropostale shirt.... its the usaull. So konny please let us know if that is what you wore!!
This is what I wore on the first day of school: Skinny jeans, a black tank top under a flowered tank, with a hot pink scarf, and pink flats!!
Well once again Please post if you read this (if you posted in the other one i told you to post in then you don't have to post on this one! :D)
- Anna

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hey everyone,
So just to see how many people have read this , when you finished reading click POST at the bottom of it, and write me a post saying u read it!
So, Tomorrow my very much loved brother paul is leaving for college... :( He's only going to be five hours away, which isn't HORRIBLE, but really I'm really really really going to miss him, for instance everynight when im going to bed I knock on my wall, and then when he hears it he knocks back!! :D So I'm really going to miss him.
My sister megan starts her first day of her second year teaching tomorrow!! GO MEGAN!! :D (oh btw i know u r reading this meg,!)
For once (probabley) In his whole life KOnrad did not come over today!! Lets all clap for him. Oh did i mention that my grandma "Mommom" Is coming to watch us while my parents take paul to college. (Paul said that we were SO not invited to come along) But I bet we will have adventours with Mommom back at home..... lol..... Last night I sewed the elestics on my ballet shoes with only cutting myself with the needle like five times and only making myself bleed once or twice, but they look great!! :D yay me!
Just a quick reminder - Don't forget to check out my other blog!
p.s. Hannah Loves everyone!! (she told me that today!)
p.p.p.s. I will stop now..... i guess......

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey People, So Ya I haven't posted in a while... sorry about that. Anways TO start off, all of my LEAP friends this is what I signed up for - Sign Language, Powerpoints, and Crime scene investigation!! Hope u all are in some of the same classes!

Alight So super excited about ballet, This year I'm going to be in Pre-Release time. And I'm FINALLY out of Burgandy Leotards... THANK YOU!!! haha.

The other day we went to the fair...... alot of fun.. Except for the stinky animals.......?! Haha. I would put up pictures BUT our stupid computer is weird so it doesn't let me. It's so annoying. So I guess I will tell you that we went on a few rides- here they are - 1. Swings, 2. Ferris Wheel, 3. Cliff Hanger, 4. This one where you go super fast around in circles and then you go backward in circles (They played Boom boom pow too!!! HAHA) Well those are the rides...So Moving On! Oh and Rebecca (my friend) Came too!
Last week Katherine slept over, So much fun!!! :D Awww but they didn't play you belong with me at the pool, oh and the life gaurd didn't talk to us this time! Hehe. And then Monday night Maryjo slept over, and we had alot of fun!! :D hehe. And we had to play with Konrad at the pool.... hmmm.... ha. And we made (another) account on BSG (beacon street girls - Oh I started Fashion frenzy book 9!) And we both know the user and password so we both go on, its sorta funny.... Kelli I hope you are having A great time In Maine, And Can't wait to see you when you get back. Allison, Whats up? haven't talk to you in forever!! :D
Well thats about it. - Anna