Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hey everyone,
So just to see how many people have read this , when you finished reading click POST at the bottom of it, and write me a post saying u read it!
So, Tomorrow my very much loved brother paul is leaving for college... :( He's only going to be five hours away, which isn't HORRIBLE, but really I'm really really really going to miss him, for instance everynight when im going to bed I knock on my wall, and then when he hears it he knocks back!! :D So I'm really going to miss him.
My sister megan starts her first day of her second year teaching tomorrow!! GO MEGAN!! :D (oh btw i know u r reading this meg,!)
For once (probabley) In his whole life KOnrad did not come over today!! Lets all clap for him. Oh did i mention that my grandma "Mommom" Is coming to watch us while my parents take paul to college. (Paul said that we were SO not invited to come along) But I bet we will have adventours with Mommom back at home..... lol..... Last night I sewed the elestics on my ballet shoes with only cutting myself with the needle like five times and only making myself bleed once or twice, but they look great!! :D yay me!
Just a quick reminder - Don't forget to check out my other blog AnnasLittleIdeas.blogspot.com!
p.s. Hannah Loves everyone!! (she told me that today!)
p.p.p.s. I will stop now..... i guess......


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I am a HUGE fan of your blogs!!! Please keep writing!

  2. Hi Anna! I sent a little gift in the mail to you, for you to use after ballet practice. I'm sorry Paul is leaving tomorrow but he will have so much fun at school and maybe bring a girlfriend home!? I said that last part just to tease you. :)

    Your blog is great. Keep writing and having fun.

    I'm so proud of you! Love, Brieta

    Don't forget to practice your violin each day for at least as long as you are online! :) haha
